Also, I dont want Users B to K to get Reminders if the event doesnt affect them or conflict with their events. I had tried something that I thought would work, with adjusting the Permissions in the Calendar Properties, but I cant get a Reminder to pop-up for User A when their event is about to occur (the standard 15 minute Reminder), even if they are the ones whoĬreated the event. Preferably, when User Z moves one of those events, whomever's event gets moved, that User would get a notification alerting them of the change. Then User Z, would be the manager of the shared calendar, and if User B enters an event in the same time as User A's in the shared calendar, permission on the root folder of their mailbox in order for you to see the mailbox. Note that the person who is sharing a mailbox with you must grant you. The calendar would be for those Users to enter an event, with one user (User Z) being the manager of all these events, and if. The shared mailbox will appear in your Folders List as their. I want to set up a Shared Calendar, that only certain users (User A to User K, and User Z) would have access to. I may be asking for a lot here, but I am going to try. What I would like to see, is if User A, can enter an event, so that its visible for Users A to K, and User Z, to see. Shared Calendar Permissions for Outlook 2010. Have the ability to move the events, in case there are confilcts. The calendar would be for those Users to enter an event, with one user (User Z) being the manager of all these events, and if necessary would